policies & procedures
Class Information
School Year Tuition Initial Tuition payment is due upon enrollment. – Remaining School Year payments are due in 5 equal payments. - A $25 fee will be added for all returned checks. - There will be no refunds given after each payment has been processed. Credit may be given if we are notified that a student is unable to attend class(es) for circumstances beyond one’s control and approved on an individual basis. – For School Year enrollment (September – June), we offer a 10% discount for the second tuition within a family; 15% discount for the third; 20% discount for the fourth; and 25% discount for the fifth and all additional tuition. Discounts do not apply to private, semi-private or practice classes. - When registering once the School Year begins, initial payment will be determined by the current practice class rate times the number of classes remaining until the next installment is due.
Summer Tuition All tuition payments are due upon enrollment. Discounts do not apply to Summer session, private, semi-private and practice classes.
To unenroll your child during the school year, please notify the office 2 weeks prior to the next tuition installment due date.
Missed Classes – It is always best to attend your regularly scheduled class. However, life happens! Please contact the office to schedule a make-up class in another class with the same age children. Make-up classes are not guaranteed as they depend on class and space availability. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Classes Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather – In the event of a snow storm we will make every effort to remain open during our regularly scheduled hours. An email will be sent if your child’s class is cancelled. If morning classes are cancelled, afternoon classes may still be held. Cancellation details will be posted to our Facebook & Instagram pages and a phone message will be available by calling 781-246-0075. Please call 1 hour before your child’s class for the most recent updates.
Classes cancelled due to weather/inclement conditions may be made up. There will be no refunds.
Refund Policy – There will be no refunds given. Credit may be given if we are notified within a reasonable time that a student is unable to attend class.
A $25 fee will be added for all returned checks.
Payments may be made in person, by phone, on the member portal or mailed to Flips R 4 Kids Gymnastics, 50 New Salem St, Wakefield, MA 01880.
Parents/caregivers are responsible for the safety and conduct of their children at all times in and around the facility.
Staff, students, and parents participating in a class are the only people allowed in the gym area.
Flips R 4 Kids reserves the right to make, display and/or publish individual photographs. These photographs may be displayed within the gym, on the internet, or printed in our advertisements and promotional materials.
For the safety of our students, proper attire is required. Socks or bare feet are acceptable. Shorts, leggings, or sweats/joggers with elastic waist, please NO zippers, snaps or buttons. Long hair tied back. No skirts or dresses please.
No jewelry except stud or small hoop earrings and medical bracelets/necklaces.
No chewing gum.
No food or drink in the gym area. (WATER is acceptable)
Parents/caregivers must come into the facility to pick up students. Students dismissed from back door must be picked up by their adult. Please inform the office if someone else will be picking up your child.
Please drive slowly and use caution in the parking lot.
Flips R 4 Kids Gymnastics prides itself in providing a clean, safe and nurturing environment for students of all age and abilities to learn new skills through our gymnastics and tumbling classes. These Policies and Procedures were designed to help each student reach their individual potential.
Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.